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Conjuring up Ghosts by KKKoski

In the early 1970‘s a group of Canadian parapsychologists successfully experimented and proved that paranormal phenomena could be manifested by group psychokinesis.

Blurred people mingling

The Philip Experiment was a series of weekly seances that were conducted by some members of the Toronto Society for Psychical Research, with the intention of connecting with a fictitious ghost named Phillip.

The archived data reports that several different methods of spirit contact were explored and that the group was only successful with table tilting, rapping and levitation. Because there was no real Philip, the researchers concluded that the physical evidence must have been created by the mental abilities of the participating members.

Scientific research generally refers to such supernatural anomalies as the action of moved objects, heard sounds, odors and unusual visual observances. For the most part, it is often concluded that these acts are perpetuated by some, yet unexplored human brain function. The key word is perpetuated. Within the scope of the field of psi research; parapsychologists also study telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, near-death experiences, reincarnation and apparitional experiences.

Some think that we create our own ghosts. The word conjure is associated with the acts of illusion, materialization and the ability to awaken.

Some think interaction with spirit is holy, spiritual, the sign of an awakened individual or guidance from a divine being.

There are thousands of self proclaimed psychics and mediums who claim they purposely try to tune into a passed person’s consciousness. There are hundreds of thousands who firmly believe they have seen spirit as real or as tangible as yet another person in the room. Testimony of evidence exists but what creates the experience, is unknown.

Admittedly mental health and drug use question whether spirit witnessing has truly occurred but for the sake of open minded research, let’s consider the person who insists they saw a ghost or spirit. Would investigation about this ability be a promising neurological function or dysfunction?

At the very least; spirit and ghosts are part of the undefinable energy system that metaphysics explores.

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