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Arming Mankind with Knowledge by KKKoski

“They’ll never know till you tell them, so tell them often and easily so they understand”

I was quoted saying this once, to an audience of abuse victims who were in want of compassion. My entire adult life has somewhat been dedicated to teaching, reporting on and investigating all healing modalities and I have done so, as a result of curiosity, profession and as a wounded healer - myself.

We are all trying to achieve completeness. We celebrate our physical health, challenge our mental health and try to feed our spiritual being, but we are not all on the same track at the same time. Our paths cross, our actions cause consequences and we all seek a special something, that works specifically for us yet, we ask ourselves often; how do you find your own knowledge? Your live it.

Knowledge is personal power. Sharing knowledge is a karmic deed some choose to bestow upon the world, however through the act of doing so, we often stumble upon failures and obstacles before we are granted learning. A thought is energy. Energy effects. Even if its source is unknown, the spirit of energy has the power to heal, advise and haunt.

Now that information is readily available through the internet, there are written opinions everywhere. The act of hyperlinking allows us to validate and investigate at a tap and interestingly, there are now wonderful, widespread alliances that are being formed through associations, organizations and directories. This networking encourages standards and connects many people which spreads the wealth of information; information that arms mankind with the tools required to cope with the act of being human.

Stories are shared. Notes are compared and the simple act of “talking about experiences” brings an acceptability to everything. If you believe in energy, you believe in all energy and with that, our belief systems widen and mankind benefits. As technology advances, so do our opportunities to teach. Mobile platforms bring us audio recordings, video profiles, photographic presentations and written articles all modified to easily engage the masses in an entertaining and visually interesting way. Knowledge is no longer for the select few, it is shared globally and swiftly. I believe each individual person is a spark of spirit destined to bring forth great human potential. Understanding what engages people is an ongoing mission for presenters of information and the business of this necessary undertaking, tests responsibility and ethics, or so we hope.

We want to become better people. Go with the times. Spirituality has replaced religion, we have learned that we can manipulate chi in our environments, homes and bodies and we confidently call upon the ethereal in prayer and meditation.

For the most part, the perception of spirit, chi, prana or whatever you call it, has leapt into the field of science. Neuroscience, consciousness and quantum physics, blend naturally with dreams, channelling and the study of psychic mediumship.

The human brain is a fascinating whirl of underdeveloped study and its simplicity is what motivates our primal needs of good health and survival. We all have the ability to nurture and guide. I believe that sharing our philosophies widely, creates more of an opportunity to study human existence today and leaves a stronger, more well defined profile of humanity, for years to come.

By EW's Editor: Karyn Klaire Koski

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