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Is drinking milk past childhood healthy or not? by KKKoski

I spent several years of my childhood on my paternal grandparent's farm in rual northern Ontario, Canada. We had a cow. We drank milk. In fact my grandfather had spent close to a decade of his youth in a sanitourim, convalescing from tuberculosis. Rumor told us it was from his work in the 30's and 40's at the Copper Cliff dairies.

Later I moved in with my Father. We drank powdered skim milk because we were somewhat financially challenged. We were dirt poor. Milk was pricy, we bought in bulk, it was crystalized, smelled and was tasteless.

As a young woman I poured milk in my tea, coffee and baileys and if I needed a little something, I warmed it up and had it before bedtime. I thought it was yummy.

Years passed and milk was of no importance to me. Then I became a Mom. I nursed our first till he was almost two and only stopped because I was pregnant for our twins. They nursed till they were seventeen months old and I gave all three of them milk. It was part of their daily feed.

At first I was a little peeved when my partner's mother told my doe eyed little girl that milk, was bad for her... it was yucky. It left her mouth very quickly and puddled onto our living room couch. She wouldn't touch it again. But I encouraged my boys to contiune until they - on their own decided it wasn't working for them. My youngest son developed an allergy to milk, whey and an assortment of other things. Milk was reduced, but not eliminated, in fact milk by products such as cheese and yogurt are still part of our everyday diet and all three of our teenagers - consume milk in their cereal, coffee and tea.

Recently I watched the MILK? Documentary. There are arguements for and against the consumption of processed milk and it isn't my right to sway you in either direction, why don't you investigate it for yourself?

To watch the whole documentary - Residents of the US can watch at

more information? check out the website:

by EW's Editor: Karyn Klaire Koski

***announcing soon - available on Netflix

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